
Laurent Colson,法國人
羅漢原名Laurent Colson,在巴黎長大,是一位工程師。三十年前,接觸到中國文化之後便深深為之沉迷,取中文名羅漢,于巴黎設羅漢堂,搜羅優秀漆傢俱或賞石等雅玩,與西方同好分享。
Many people wonder, why, as a French, you are so intoxicated in Chinese art to such an extent.
Gardens, rocks ,and furniture. From your perspective, where are the ways that lead one into such appreciation?
As a form of joke, some people even told me I might have been a Chinese in a previous life. I really do not remember!! But I might certainly be one in the next life!
Part of the explanation must lay in the genes. They are responsible for a great deal in the kind of sensitivity which leads to a form of art and aesthetics rather than to another one. The cultural background is another part of the answer. France has been fascinated with Chinese luxury items and Arts for other 300 years. Many objects are to be found in our homes made in China hundreds of years ago. Moreover, Chinese Art has influenced greatly the French decorative arts. Chinese and French actually have a lot in common in their way to look at life. They both have a passion for a life surrounded by beauty. Their culture is mainly dedicated to celebrating life. Other cultures might be more concern with death, to manage an honorable death, for example! Developing tools, weapons and armors as magnificent works of art! French and Chinese, I believe just look at the present here, do not expect too much from the unknown afterlife!
Does the romance and persistence that is characteristic of Paris exert an influence on you in your appreciation of Chinese art?
Of course!!!! I cannot do otherwise than to look at Chinese culture through the prism of my background and my living environment. And more other the so called « romantic French style » is also deeply present in the Chinese culture. Just think of the important novels such as Jing ping Mei or Hong Lou Meng!!! This is so close to the French novels and art of the 17th and 18th century!
You have been involved with China for three decades and in a sense you are half Chinese, even more Chinese than a Chinese. What does China mean to you in your life.
Most of my life is organized around Chinese objects, travels,…. so a lot, almost everything, too much actually!
To date, how long do you stay in China every year? Where do you like to visit during your stay? What is your favorite Chinese food?
HK and China should represent more than 3 months a year.
Dongpozhou, XiqinBeihe, Songsuguiyu, Beijing duck, Tiezi. I like Chinese cuisine a lot, it is certainly part of the reason why I keep coming back.
In the last 30 years while you are in touch with China, what are the changes in art environment in this country that directly impressed you?
Of course the raise of the Chinese Market and the contemporary art scene. How Chinese customers jump in this black hole with such a pleasure is fascinating!
In the early 90’s, there was no market in China, for Art. The prices were decided ultimately by the foreign customers. Today very few can follow the prices paid by Chinese customers, much more comfortable with their own art than foreigners. 30 years ago, a field of art with no accessibility from outside of China had no value. And like sadly in many cases around the world a piece which has a low value or close to none on the market,is doomed to disappear and be forgotten, even though its artistic, historical or documentary value is of the highest level. Both scales,the market scale and the art scale tends to adjust one another today, even though the market is always subject to fashion.
When I first came to China, the contemporary art was in some small concentrated village like areas on Haidian side. When we were going there, we thought to be trespassing, in some ways to be outlaws. Now it is everywhere! Cloth fashion, advertising…
What makes you decide to open Luohan showroom in HONG KONG this year? What is the position you set for the showroom and what is your expectation? Will you launch another showroom in Mainland?
Most of my customers are Chinese people. Hong Kong offers all the facilities and comfort to work in this field. I have no plan to open a showroom in mainland.
Besides you, there are also a few other Westerners active in the research and promotion of Chinese art, including Curtis, and Marcus who has just published Custodians of the Scholar’s Way. How do you view the promotion and contribution to Chinese art by westerners in modern times?
To my understanding, this is very important that foreigners share their passion for an alien culture. The best promoters for the French culture are not the French. They are English, American or Russian…. Their point of view from a far helps them to consider this culture as a whole. When you are too close, or too much in it, you cannot see it entirely. Moreover, when you compare this alien culture with yours, the differences or the similarities question your mind and helps you maybe to point out some peculiarities and strengths of this other culture. It guides your interest.
Ultimately,as we are all humans, at the highest level of art, the culture disappears to the profit of sincerity. Being from a culture or another becomes an anecdote. Any true sincere appreciator can be touched by any sincere work of art, whatever the culture.
In the Chinese lacquer furniture that you are so much into, what keeps you fascinated? Where are we at the present moment in the realization of the artistic value of lacquer furniture?
Chinese collectors have started to appreciate the artistic, historical and social value of those pieces. But progress is still to be made.
In the field of Chinese furniture, lacquer might well be one of the oldest craft. Chinese people have been making lacquer furniture for other 5000 years perfecting and adapting this Art, through all the many different fashions of Chinese history. It has been a living Art, each time rejuvenated by the taste of a new Emperor or the proposal of a revolutionary Artist. Most of the pieces or set of pieces commissioned by the Imperial family are unique piece. They were designed to be placed in a specific hall or palace. As such a “designer” would propose a drawing, working maybe with a prominent painter for the ornamentation, checking the lines and proportion with a prototype of cheap material before going for many months and sometime years to complete the actual piece.
作為法國人,我對漆器傢俱深感自在,陶醉於不同色彩之美,多種鑲嵌之材,還有那畫片之美。在那些極品中,我感受到器物本身煥發出的生命力。它們的造型具有中國傢俱線條所有的品質:由內而外、充滿彈性、開門見山……真如那些我們愛上硬木傢俱原由一樣的品質。As a French, I feel at ease with lacquer furniture, the beauty of the different colors, the many material to be inlaid, the quality of the drawings. In the best pieces,I feel the vibration of life itself.The shapes of the pieces have all the qualities of the Chinese furniture lines: organic, elastic, direct… just those we have learned to love with the hardwood furniture.
The Kangxi period is my favorite at present. Creativity is what is the most striking for me at that time. I consider this period as the highest period for creativity in furniture from the Tang until now. This led to a major transformation of the furniture, its look and its usage.If creativity is the main criterion to judge Art, Kangxi period might be the peak period for the furniture Art in China.
During this period, one trend would use all the Ming dynasty and traditional codes and idioms, reshuffle them and reorganize them like never before. Another trend incorporates foreign influences, mainly Western and Japanese. It is part of the many reciprocities and exchanges of style and pattern in all directions across the cultures of the world.Some of those new Chinese styles were not kept and disappeared. Others incorporated the corpus of classical Chinese furniture and infused the different strata of the society. They were made in other materials and even simplified to satisfy more vernacular tastes or humble purses.
The deep influence of Imperial lacquer furniture on the art of furniture and the Art itself in China, together as its value as document of their times is not yet really well understood and would need more studies. Hopefully some people in the young generation have put their interest in it and I wish more will follow.